Imaan LGBTQI Muslim Statement on Orlando Attack


Imaan Statement on Orlando Attack


Imaan, the LGBTQI Muslim charity, condemns the attack on the LGBTQI community in Orlando, Florida and mourns the victims who have lost their lives to this senseless act of violence during the holiest month of the Islamic calendar.

As an organisation, we are committed to supporting Muslims who are LGBTQI.
Because we find ourselves at the intersection of faith, gender and sexuality, we face daily abuse from Islamophobes, homophobes and transphobes alike.

Hatred and violence has no place in any of the communities we belong to and we reject and resist all forms of bigotry.

We extend our love, solidarity and condolences to the Latinx LGBTQI community who have been directly impacted by this horror.

We call on the wider Muslim and LGBTQI communities to support us in both words and actions.